Saturday, 9 May 2009

Ryan Reynolds "Deadpool Movie a dream come true!"

Ryan Reynolds, who plays the Merc with a Mouth in the new Wolverine movie only learned the news of a definite spin-off for his character from internet headlines. But he is ecstatic about being able to reprise the comic book role:
He told ET: "I read [news of the spin-off] online like everybody else. I just woke up and it was the headline everywhere. It was a very strange way to learn something.

"I'd by lying if I didn't say I was hoping that that would come of this film. It's somebody I've wanted to play my whole adult life so it's sort of a dream come true."

In an earlier interview he had said: "I've always loved the character. I remember reading one of the Deadpool comic books, and in the comic somebody asks Deadpool what he looks like.

"And he said he looks like a cross between a Shar-Pei and Ryan Reynolds. And I was like, I really, really wanna play this guy at some point. I thought it was pretty cool. It's a guy that knows he's in a comic book. How hard is it to shoot that properly? That's not something they put in Wolverine nor would it belong in that universe.

"This character is something I've been mentioned about for a long, long time now. And the character in the comic book - Deadpool - even mentioned me playing him. So I think it was in some weird way it was a little bit destined.

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